Sun, Surf, and Sarah

'Kay, so, it's a few minutes to midnight and I am UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY AND EXCITED! You know why? Huh? Huh? Do ya? I'll give you a hint.


And we all know what THAT means. I get to see my dearest and amazing Sare and actually hug her and tackle her and do all sorts of fun stuff IN REAL LIFE. It's going to be awesome and spectacular and epic.

Thank you, Kuya Eric, for getting married in California. I forever worship at your feet.



I forgot to say. I HAVE MY FIRST CHECK!!! EEEEE!!!!

This is a momentous occasion. I can't believe it. People actual PAID me for my BOOK! And said they loved it! I am so unbelievably happy right now.


Reaping the Consequences

So, um, I'm 108 lessons behind in school, which means that if I don't complete them soon, I'm in danger of failing. So I won't be online a lot at all and I'm asking to be excused from blogging duties for a bit? I can't really sacrifice the time right now.



I don't want to blog today. End of story.


I really don't care about making a good blog post today. Because I'm cold. And I'm hungry. And I want warm food that I don't have to make an effort to have. And the fireplace doesn't have oil or gas or whatever, so I'm COLD.


Give Thanks Unto God

I had a rather interesting conversation with Pony Boy today and, I have to say. It made my day. I just kept laughing as we went back and forth with it.

[17:09] Alexandra the Great: *pokes head in*
[17:09] Coltonzeke: *pokes Glind's eyeballs*
[17:09] Coltonzeke: No peeking.
[17:09] Alexandra the Great:
[17:09] Alexandra the Great: *glare*
[17:10] Coltonzeke: I poked your eyes. You shouldn't be able to glare.
[17:11] Sarah: HI LAUREN
[17:11] Alexandra the Great:
[17:11] Alexandra the Great: PONY BOY'S BEING MEAN TO ME
[17:11] Sarah: What?! No!
[17:11] Sarah: *huggles Glinds*
[17:11] Coltonzeke: I poked her eyeballs.
[17:11] Sarah: NOt allowed!
[17:12] Sarah: What've we told you about poking eyeballs? >(
[17:12] Alexandra the Great:
*sticks tongue out at Colt while huggling Sarah*
[17:12] Sarah: hang on
[17:12] Coltonzeke: *cuts off tounge* Hm...
[17:13] Coltonzeke: *glues it back on* Mmmmhm...
[17:14] Alexandra the Great:
AGEIHAIOEHROA! *fury* *pokes tongue warily*
[17:14] Alexandra the Great: I am going to KILL you.
[17:14] Coltonzeke: *cuts off her 'kill'* What the hell is this?
[17:16] Alexandra the Great:
That's it. I am going to strangle you with your own intestines while gleefully singing show tunes. *lunges*
[17:17] Sarah: haha!
[17:17] Coltonzeke: NOOOOO!!! NOT SHOW TUNES!!
[17:17] Sarah: It's cruel.
[17:17] Coltonzeke: *covers his ears*
[17:19] Coltonzeke: *pokes Sarah with a fireplace poker*
[17:19] Coltonzeke: *that is red hot from fire*
[17:19] Sarah: *Glares* No!
[17:19] Sarah: D<
[17:19] Coltonzeke: ^_^ *pokepokepoke*
[17:20] Alexandra the Great:
Bad Pony! Don't make me put you in your pretty princess birthday outfit.
[17:20] Coltonzeke: D: I like the christmas one better!! *crosses his arms*
[17:21] Alexandra the Great:
You can only wear that one if you're good and behave yourself.
[17:21] Coltonzeke: NO!! *cries and hides*
[17:23] Coltonzeke: *sets Glind's clothes on fine* hehe.
[17:24] Alexandra the Great:
Fine? Is that some sort of new substance?
[17:24] Coltonzeke: Fire*
[17:24] Coltonzeke: >_>
[17:25] Alexandra the Great:
Dangit, this shirt was new!
[17:25] Alexandra the Great: *whips out show tunes cds*
[17:25] Coltonzeke: !!!*sets Glind on fire*
[17:27] Alexandra the Great:
[17:28] Alexandra the Great: *ducks into a lake* presses play on cd player* C'mereeeee Pony Boy...*grin*
[17:28] Coltonzeke: o.o *falls to the ground* Nooooo!!!
[17:30] Alexandra the Great:
*holds knife at the ready* Are you going to be good or not?
[17:30] Coltonzeke: Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny.... *pokes the tip of the knife*
[17:32] Alexandra the Great:
*prods Colt with it* Yeah, reaaaalllly shiny. And SHARP.
[17:32] * anna is back
[17:33] Coltonzeke: Stab me with it... It would bring me great pleasure. (Thanks to my brother for that one XD)
[17:33] anna: what the heck is going on here?
[17:33] Alexandra the Great:
*shrug* Okay. *stabs*
[17:33] Coltonzeke: I asked him for something creepy. And he delivered.
[17:33] Coltonzeke: I like it when the red water comes out.
[17:34] anna: ...
[17:34] * anna backs away slowly
[17:35] Coltonzeke: I <3>
[17:35] Coltonzeke: I am watching it on Windows Media Center.
[17:35] Alexandra the Great:
Yeah? Well, I like it when you're not poking my eyeballs and cutting off my tongue.
[17:35] anna: laurennnnnnn
[17:35] anna: save meeeeeeeee
[17:35] Alexandra the Great:
[17:35] anna: im scared!
[17:35] anna: colt is scaring meeee

I got to see my friends for the first time in two weeks. Tyler was all cute with his hair gelled back, trying to be all suave and sit next to me. I love him, he's so adorable and a gentleman.

It's Valentine's Day and I don't have a boyfriend, but that's okay. I'm not upset over it. Annie's my valentine today and I love her and Taylor and Sarah and Claire muchly.
(Not to mention all my other fantastic friends!)

All in all, I'm pretty happy with my life. I have so much to be thankful for.


EDIT: Oh, and my fiancee gave me amazing chocolate for almost forgetting to wish me a happy valentine's day, but it's okay. I forgive him. LOVE YOU, DANNYBOY! *wink*

Aragorn, my LOVE

Ahhhh, my Dad found this awesome movie that's sort of a prequel to the Lord of the Rings. This lady made it all on her own and it's so cool. Like, she had $100,000 dollars and she made it and it's SO COOL. Have I mentioned how cool it is yet? It's really cool. Anyways, it's supposed to be 6 years before the first movie or something, when Aragorn is first born. And like, the story of Arathorn and stuff like that. So it'll be EPIC. Cause Aragorn/Strider has ALWAYS been my favourite character for a long, long time and I love him muchly. But yeah, so we're gonna watch it tomorrow. I can't wait. The spec effects look awesome. And I've got Sarah dragged into it too. Yay!






Ideas and Games


I probably shouldn't have been thinking of it this early since I'll want to write it reallllly bad, but Sarah asked me on the phone today so I blame her. It's going to be a Diary of an Imaginary Friend. How amazingly epic is that? Heck, it could be
my diary, but it won't be. But I just might name the girl who imagined the future MC imaginary friend to be named Anna. *wink*

Okay. I've been getting tired of this blogging business. I get it when you go to a real school and stuff, but I'm homeschooled. How the deuces am I supposed to find something new to talk about every day? So, Sarah and I decided we're going to try some blogging games. Or something. I'unno. She introduced me to this google meme thing that I guess she got from Nerdfighters. Let's see how it goes, yeah?

Q: Type in "Lauren needs" in the Google search.
A: Lauren Needs Attention.(best thing yet, it was on a blog called "Sarah Says" so it was like, "Sarah Says: Lauren Needs Attention". It was hilarious.)
Lauren needs someone to take the pressure off of her.
Lauren needs to chill out and stay out of other peoples business.

Q: Type in "Lauren looks like" in Google search.
Lauren looks like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Lauren looks like she's having trouble in her French lesson!

Q: Type in "Lauren says" in Google search.
A: Lauren says, “I kiss boys”

Q: Type in "Lauren wants" in Google search.
A: Lauren wants to know.
Lauren wants to gossip.
Lauren wants summer.

Q: Type in "Lauren hates" in Google search.
A: Lauren hates you.
Lauren hates shoes.
Lauren hates you fat size fours. (That's MEAN! I didn't know I was that mean!)

Q: Type in "Lauren loves" in Google Search.

A. Lauren loves duckies.
Lauren loves the Beatles. (not really)
Lauren loves you.

Well. That was interesting and mildly entertaining.


La Ti Da

THE HEROES FINALE WAS TODAY AND NO, I DID NOT SEE IT. *is immensely depressed about that* I wanted to so BADLY, but I couldn't because I have a curfew of 11 tonight and I wanted to spend it with my friends instead of watching Heroes, but now I'm kind of regretting that decision and I realllllly just want to talk and rant about it with Anna and Danny! Darnit.

The NERD complex is going reallllly well and I likes it lots. Like, a lot a lot. It's so fun and I swear, these are the longest posts I've ever continually done in an rp.

We watched Sherlock Holmes last night. It was pretty epic and awesome and definitely one of my new face movies up along with Avatar.

So, that was my day. Pretty good, all in all. /boring



Okay, I realize that it's late and stuff, but I'm on a tight curfew and as such, I should really just edit this later. I promise. No sucky posts from me.



Glee is one of my new favourite shows. Seriously, it's so funny, but it's also got its drama as well. Drama's always good in tv shows because it's kind of like an exaggerated version of what happens in our own lives, right? Like when Quinn happened to be pregnant. Teenage pregnancy. I could identify with that, what with my sister and all.

The funny thing is, I guess we just don't realize that it could happen to us when we watch it on tv although the more common stuff is easier to expect, like vicious backstabbing, horrible betrayals, hurtful lying...


“I’m sorry.”

I can feel my chest constrict and it’s like there’s this tight, cold lump inside that’s trying to thump. Maybe that’s my heart.

It’s your fault.

I’m not to blame. Still, cold shivers of guilt skate down my arms.

I don’t remember the date, only the moments trapped inside the already fading memory. A strong protestation, a weak hug that wasn’t even up to par of our usual ones, a hug that spoke of promises unbroken and comfort and a bond that lasts forever but also an underlying current of secret betrayal.

You made all of this happen.

Your words, not mine, have power. Your words, not mine, are laced with deceit and trickery. Your words, not mine.

The urge to scream is stronger than ever and it’s waiting at the back of my throat, unspoken accusations and pleadings soon join in– knowing that it’s not long.

Some things are shattered forever.

Oh God, the nausea’s coming again. I feel sick and dizzy and overwhelmed with aching tears that are tired of falling unnoticed. I don’t understand the pain. It’s easier just to give in.

“It’s okay.”

I’m lying.


Tim Burton and Such

CARP! I forgot about blogging today.

It's because my family and I were watching 9 and it was a pretty good movie, creepy in some parts, but that was awesome. What do you expect from something that had Tim Burton's hand in it, right? I can't WAIT to go see the Tim Burton exhibit in MoMA soon. It's going to be absolutely epic except for the fact that my sister will kill me for seeing it without her, but hey! She lives in Canada. Not my fault. So um...I don't really have time. I'm actually running out. So that's all the news I have for today. Oh, and, IT'S FINALLY SNOWING!


Chasing Rabbit Trails

So, I have nummy food. Very nummy food. Chicken with rice, actually. I think I've gotten used to that free pass yesterday because I'm not sure what to put here anymore. Not that I did before anyways. So, I'm just going to ramble about a bunch of stuff that happened today.

Right now, Sarah's singing 100 Years, which is an amazing song and I can play it on the piano, but I was just thinking to myself, "Wow. Sarah's a really good singer!" Cause she is. We actually sang a duet once. That was really fun. We sang, "For Good" from Wicked which was funny because I'm Glinda. Hence the name of this blog.

I GOT TO TALK TO MY EVERDEAREST CLAIREBEAR TODAY! It was very happy-making since we all missed her muchly. Although, she wasn't too happy about us calling Colton Pony Boy. Even though he IS Pony Boy. She complained, so we started calling him Wysteria, which is a My Little Pony. She's pretty and purple and has tulips on her. It was hilarious. I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. Obviously, I 42'ed the conversation.

Sarah recorded a video today like, an hour after she watched mine which was a lot of fun. I still can't believe that you're scared of VACUUMS, Sarah. Honestly. It was so funny, though. I wish I'd gotten to see your expression when you watched my video like you did when I watched yours. That would have been fun.

I'm cold right now. It's 68 degrees in the house right now and my arm warmers do not cover my whole arm which makes me sad since I only have one packet of hot chocolate left. Actually, I have two, but only one left of the Swiss Miss kind with the little marshmallows in them. Oops. Um, I mean, not..marshmallows...I'm not a murderer, I swear! >>

We're supposed to get a lot of snow on Friday and Saturday which is TONS of fun because that means we can't go anywhere. And if we can't go anywhere, that means more time to be online and do homework. Yay! (That wasn't sarcasm, actually.)

Taylor's freaking out about some Neil Gaiman contest or raffle or something. She's going to spend her life savings on it. At least all of the proceeds go to Haiti.

So. This post is really going nowhere. I think I'm going to stop boring you guys with random tidbits about today.



Okay, so we have this deal where if you record a vlog, then you don't need to create a new blog post. All you need to do is post the video link. However, the video I recorded was accidentally realllllly high quality, so it took up a lot of megabytes and now it's taking a long time to upload to youtube. SO. I am putting this blog post as a sort of temporary hold until I can edit it and put in the link. I'LL PUT IT IN BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP, I SWEAR.

Link -


Tell Me I'm Pretty

Ever notice how when you *feel* pretty, everything just seems better? I mean, if you feel good about yourself in general, then you just all of a sudden get this huge mood lift and the sun's shining even if it's raining and everything in the world is GREAT.

Yeah, you could probably feel the same way in an old sweatshirt and jeans and I am so comfy in those and would love to just wear that all day, but when I actually make an effort on my appearance, I practically skip around everywhere, grinning like a lunatic. It's just something about having a newfound confidence in yourself and how you look or maybe I just have really low self-esteem, ha.

It somewhat reminds me of the one episode in Fairly OddParents where Trixie and Timmy are the last two people on earth and she constantly needs Timmy to tell her she's pretty. Now, I don't need someone to tell me I'm pretty all the time. Actually, if you do, it kind of just makes me feel awkward and unsure how to respond.

So, this feeling doesn't come from other people telling you you're pretty. It has to come from you telling yourself that. It has to come from inside. And honestly, isn't inner beauty what it's all about anyways? You could get any barbie doll to have a one night stand with, but when outer beauty fades as age takes its toll, what's going to keep you in the relationship? That, my friends, is true love.


Ah, the Advancement of Technology

Okay, so I don't have a whole lot of time right now. Actually, I only have a little bit of time before I'm forced to go to bed for my orthodontist appointment tomorrow. Bleh. But, there is a bright side to that.


Kay, so, I was wrong about my orthodontist being today. It's apparently tomorrow, but getting to the bright side before I was cut off, tomorrow's the last appointment and they're actually going to talk over getting my braces off! I can't wait. I mean, really. It's been two years of geeky braceface and I am SO psyched to be finally getting them off.

Anyways, the new Heroes episode aired last night and you know what was really cool about it? I got to watch it via Anna's webcam! How awesome is that?! Well actually, it was Hob's(who I still do not know the real name of) webcam since we had to use her laptop. See, we first tried using the computer in her basement, but the cord didn't reach, so we went upstairs and then we had to get a chair and figure out what height it worked best at and distance and stuff. But it was still really, really cool. Except for the commercials. That sucked, but hey! At least I got to watch Heroes for the first time without telling Anna to shut up and not spoil me! =D Aaaaaaand now to the actual Heroes ep discussion.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

Alright, so this episode was named "The Wall" for OBVIOUS reasons, but when the episode first started and Peter and Sylar ended up being there for what seemed like eternity, I thought they might have ended up together. I mean, wouldn't Syter be cute? They would balance each other out perfectly! It's also kind of cute that to break down the wall separating them from getting out of the nightmare, Peter had to forgive him. That was good of the writers. And I was like, "YAY, THE SYLAR THAT WAS NOAH'S DAD IS BACK!" Seriously. I fell in love with Sylar at first BECAUSE he was one of the good guys, one of the Heroes. I guess he has to trade in his black hat, now. But Eli ruined the whole brotherly love moment, but that's okay. Peter and Sylar probably kick his ass anyways because of the promo for the season finale.
Another good part of the ep was when they were showing HRG's flashbacks and it kind of made me a bit sympathetic towards him, but I still don't like him. And really, it was all just kind of the same thing over again because it's ALWAYS, Claire! Go find out more about your dad so you can hate him! Even though she didn't end up hating him again, she angsted. Again.
I can't believe that the season finale is only a week away and that it might actually be the last episodes ever! I really don't want that to happen. Although, they'll have to resolve a LOT of stuff in the season finale. Like where Charlie is, if Samuel gets disposed of, what the "best show ever" will be like, what's going to happen to Edgar(who wasn't in the last episode and made me VERY sad cause he's one of my faves) and Amanda, where the heck Tracy was and why she wasn't in the carnival, what Sylar's gonna do now that he's good, etc, etc.

Okay. I'm done Heroes ranting. It's a good week.
