
Glee is one of my new favourite shows. Seriously, it's so funny, but it's also got its drama as well. Drama's always good in tv shows because it's kind of like an exaggerated version of what happens in our own lives, right? Like when Quinn happened to be pregnant. Teenage pregnancy. I could identify with that, what with my sister and all.

The funny thing is, I guess we just don't realize that it could happen to us when we watch it on tv although the more common stuff is easier to expect, like vicious backstabbing, horrible betrayals, hurtful lying...


“I’m sorry.”

I can feel my chest constrict and it’s like there’s this tight, cold lump inside that’s trying to thump. Maybe that’s my heart.

It’s your fault.

I’m not to blame. Still, cold shivers of guilt skate down my arms.

I don’t remember the date, only the moments trapped inside the already fading memory. A strong protestation, a weak hug that wasn’t even up to par of our usual ones, a hug that spoke of promises unbroken and comfort and a bond that lasts forever but also an underlying current of secret betrayal.

You made all of this happen.

Your words, not mine, have power. Your words, not mine, are laced with deceit and trickery. Your words, not mine.

The urge to scream is stronger than ever and it’s waiting at the back of my throat, unspoken accusations and pleadings soon join in– knowing that it’s not long.

Some things are shattered forever.

Oh God, the nausea’s coming again. I feel sick and dizzy and overwhelmed with aching tears that are tired of falling unnoticed. I don’t understand the pain. It’s easier just to give in.

“It’s okay.”

I’m lying.



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