Sun, Surf, and Sarah

'Kay, so, it's a few minutes to midnight and I am UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY AND EXCITED! You know why? Huh? Huh? Do ya? I'll give you a hint.


And we all know what THAT means. I get to see my dearest and amazing Sare and actually hug her and tackle her and do all sorts of fun stuff IN REAL LIFE. It's going to be awesome and spectacular and epic.

Thank you, Kuya Eric, for getting married in California. I forever worship at your feet.



Sarah Kanoewai said...
February 24, 2010 at 12:02 AM

YAY! I LOVE it when people get married in California, bringing my Lauren closer to me so I can be tackled and hugged and such! :3 This makes me amazingly happy.

Larien said...
February 24, 2010 at 12:08 AM

Me toooo!! And I'll finally be able to know your height! I'm bringing a measuring stick, dude. I am absolutely EUPHORIC right now, though. *nodnod*

Sarah Kanoewai said...
February 24, 2010 at 12:11 AM

Dude, that'a not nice. Can we just accept that next to you I will be REALLY SHORT. Hah, I'm short compared to normal people, and you're TALL. AND I KNOW ME TOOOOO! <3

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